About Fastcraft Motorsport

The philosophy of Fastcraft motorsport is maximum performance at an affordable price point. We will achieve this goal by offering quality fabricated well engineered component kits designed for ease of assembly by the homebuilder. We will conduct business with integrity and enthusiasm and pledge excellent builder support to achieve a 100% completion goal by our customers. 

Fastcraft motorsport is a registered in Ohio tradename of FASTCRAFT LTD., a limited liability company. The principal owner/manager is Thomas Jones. Please use Tom for correspondence. A quick bio about myself.

I will start my bio when in the summer of 1968, I was 13 years old when I first saw my first se7en. It was red. I did not know what it was at the time, but I new it looked cool and it was love at first sight and I wanted one. It looked like no other car on the road. To this young man it had all the character of the American hot rod T bucket but it looked much more agile and fun to drive. This was before the internet, I found a book at the Public Library about British sports cars and there on a page was a picture of this car, a Lotus Series 2 Super 7. I quickly became a huge fan of Colin Chapman and all things Lotus. I learned about Grand Prix and SCCA racing and Formula Fords. I lived near Nelson Ledges road race track and though still not old enough to drive I was able to get rides and hang out at the track on race days. After attending University for mechanical engineering technology and gaining employment my first purchase was a Lotus, but it was not a 7 but a model 61 formula ford. Now a classic but unfortunately I wrote this car off in during the summer of 77. I replaced this car with a Zink Z10 formula ford chassis kit next. Then a Royale RP24 Formula ford I raced competitively. Sold that and bought and raced an SCCA Spec sports racer. I had many good races in this fun car. The sports racer I assembled from a kit and enjoyed the satisfaction that comes from the build. I did all my own chassis alignment and learned how to set up a chassis.  I should also mention I did a lot of 2 stroke Kart Racing. During this time I was self employed and owned an Import Car repair and parts business. I later become a franchised Kawasaki and Suzuki dealer. I am proud to say I was one of the top 100 volume Suzuki dealers in the USA. I sold these franchises and took employment in the engineering departing as an AutoCAD steel detailer for a major USA steel corporation. During this time I did however indulge myself in another passion and that was to learn to fly and build airplanes. I learned the fundamentals of aircraft design and construction including learning welding and riveting skills. I am currently an officer of Experimental Aircraft Chapter 117 and own and fly an experimental single seat sport aerobatic airplane. So my passion for performance planes and cars runs long and deep.

 I have owned many sports cars of all makes over the years including a Lotus Élan, Lotus Europa JPS, and a Turbo Esprit. Somehow the Seven has escaped me.

Please review the page Why buid a VortX RT ?

My youthful encounter with the red Lotus Super Seven inspired a life long interest in road racing. And now as owner/importer of the MNR VortX I finally satisfied the desire of that 13 year to own a seven type car.

And the VortX RT was worth the wait.

Thinking about owning your own kit car!!!

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